
Primary Integrated Care Supports (PICS)

Primary Integrated Care Supports (PICS) provides clinical mental health services to people who are experiencing severe mental illness.

Primary Intergrated Care Supports

Primary Integrated Care Supports

The Primary Integrated Care Supports provides clinical mental health services to people who are experiencing severe mental illness and live in the Central and Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network area. 

This program works to integrate mental health services with general practices; with consumers being allocated a Mental Health Nurse and a Peer Worker to identify their needs and support them in their self-management and recovery. There will be multiple pathways for referral, with the aim of avoiding any unnecessary hospitalisation. Generally, a GP or psychiatrist referral is required.

For further information, please contact us at 02 7227 6700 or e-mail

Central and Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network information  -!/referral/create
