
Commitment to Child Safety Statement

Commitment to Child Safety Statement

Our Commitment to Child Safety 

One Door Mental Health (ODMH) is committed to providing child safe environments when providing services and supports directly to children and young people. We promote and protect the rights of children and young people to feel safe and be safe, whether we are providing direct services or have incidental contact with them in the context of working with adults.

We support children and young people, their families and carers, to participate in decision making and provide feedback about services. We will listen to them and take their needs and concerns seriously. We will act on any reported or suspected behaviour that is inappropriate or contrary to our policies, protocols and code of conduct.

To fulfill our commitment to children and young people we will:

  • Provide safe, welcoming, supportive and inclusive environments
  • Include children and young people in decision making processes where possible
  • Ensure that children and young people in our services are not exposed to child abuse, neglect or grooming
  • Empower children to understand what unacceptable behaviour is, and give them the tools to respond
  • Provide children with information about speaking up or making a complaint, and who to talk to if they have concerns
  • Support children who report, or are suspected of being exposed to, any form of abuse, neglect or grooming.

We will work with families and carers to:

  • Communicate our expectations around creating and maintaining a safe environment for children and young people
  • Invite and support them to be involved in decision making and reviews of our services
  • Provide information about child safety and how they can make a complaint or report if they suspect a child is at risk of harm

ODMH will:

  • Promote a zero-tolerance culture for any forms of abuse and neglect where staff feel safe to speak up about unacceptable behaviour
  • Ensure we recruit suitable people for roles working directly with children and young people
  • Educate staff about our code of conduct and what constitutes unacceptable behaviour with children
  • Provide ongoing training and education to staff about child safety
  • Provide staff with training about their mandatory reporting responsibilities

Download our full Commitment to Child Safety Statement (PDF 117.1KB)