
Donate to Research

Dedicated to being at the forefront of knowledge about mental illness

Research into mental illness

Help support research initiatives that contribute to understanding and treating mental illness.

One Door Mental Health is dedicated to being at the forefront of knowledge about mental illness.

As part of this commitment, we have established a Research Trust Fund and the Peter Meyer Fund for research into Schizophrenia. We also assisted with the establishment of the Psychosis Australia Trust.

One Door proactively seeks and develops partnerships with researchers at universities. These partnerships range from the provision of our consumer educators, the evaluation of a program, a partnership wherein a staff member or One Door is actively involved in the research, to other joint ventures. Many organisations will also seek our help in sourcing participants for studies.

As a non-profit organisation, we rely on the generosity of donors like you to support our efforts to improve mental health outcomes. Your contribution will go directly towards funding critical research initiatives that will help us better understand and treat mental illness.

Help support research initiatives that contribute to understanding and treating mental illness.

As a non-profit organization, we rely on the generosity of donors like you to support our efforts to improve mental health outcomes. Your contribution will go directly towards funding critical research initiatives that will help us better understand and treat mental illness.